History Of Uwakpu Mgbidi In Awgu LGA Of Enugu State
Uwakpu is a community in Mgbidi presently among the six communities that made up Ezinese Autonomous community in Mgbidi.
The Name Uwakpu is unique in the whole universe, Uwakpu Mgbidi was a very large village in the pre-colonial era and they had largest population in Mgbidi. They had giants and warriors and to exhibit their strength, they cut a palm tree and held it on air with their hands as it was falling before they dropped it on ground. They also did that with a breadfruit tree (Osisi Ukwa). To further exhibit their strength, they cut an Osisi Akpu (Pine tree) and attempted to hold it on air as it was falling but the tree was very heavy and almost all of them died instantly. Some among the few that remained migrated out of Mgbidi and the left ones began procreation. This mystery brought the Name Uwakpu which means (Life of Pine tree).
NB: Mgbidi was known as Nwe as written in general page of Mgbidi kingdom
Uwakpu Mgbidi is a dichotomy of two communities which are Ifite Uwakpu and Ezioha Uwakpu.
Ifite Uwakpu is made up of three clans ; Umuumeburu ,who are the descendants of Umeburu. Umuumeburu has no trace of origin as of the time of this publication in case you know contact us but they were the founder and first to established in Ifite Uwakpu and the descendants are the most senior in Ifite Uwakpu.
Ihuana is another clan in Ifite Uwakpu, they migrated from Nkwe. Umuoku who were descendants of Oku , migrated from Amoji they were nomadic in nature till they found a place of abode in Ifite Uwakpu for permanent settlement.
Umuumeburu accommodated the other two clan by giving them place of livelihood and abode in Ifite Uwakpu.
Ezioha Uwakpu has four clans which are; Ogwugwueso Kagbo also called UmuAnikwu , their founding father is called Anikwu and his descendants were named after him as children of Anikwu (UmuAnikwu). These people accommodated a set of people who migrated from Eza mgbo of present state of Eboyin. UmuAnikwu gave them Portion of land at the same Ogwugwueso but at top above their abode and called it Ogwugwueso kugwu. Till date they are called UmuEza because they migrated from Eza.
Another clan as told from the source is Umuegbu who are the first inhabitant in the clans. Their ancestor was Egbu and his descendants were called after him as children of Egbu. Egbu begot three sons ; Nwokeze , Umueyam , and Umuoji.
Umuokpu presently called Umuchukwu is another clan that was accommodated by Umuegbu. The name UmuOkpu was named after their deity called Okpu. They migrated with their Okpu deity from Ukaete Oduma to Ezioha Uwakpu , Umuegbu and UmuAnikwu clans gave them a land for livelihood and showed them where to make their shrine with the Okpu deity at a valley side of the abodes. The Valley side where the Okpu was kept for worship is still known as Okpu till date.
Umuegbu and Umuokpu live like one descendants till date and they don't intermarry each other.
NB: Amiyi Mgbowo migrated from UmuOkpu of Uwakpu Mgbidi.
Uwakpu has its extension down to Adani and across , From liable source the community host the Rosary High school Awgu with a valid agreement which can be revoked after one hundred years of its validity.
Source: This historical article was gathered through an oral discussion from different elders in Uwakpu village and its environs.
It was compiled and written by Mr Ajah Callistus Tobechukwu (+2348132794755).
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